First use

This page is made for first use of the hardware

You will need to tweak a few things on the SD card you received with the device : You have to tell the device for who it works


Spend is using symetric and asymetric encryption, using veracrypt containers and PGP-protected messages. If you want use these features, you should learn how it works. Some links about that :

A GPG keyring have been created for you, and Spend is setup to use it as default recipient.

You can find it on the SD card, in the folders : /home/spend/KEYRING-TO-REMOVE. It contains all the keyring file plus one which is the keyring’s password.


You can use the autogenerated keyring if you want, but for more security you are advised to use you own instead. see Importing a new public key

A randomly-generated password used internally by the device is present in `/home/spend/ROOT_PASSWORD_TO_SAVE_AND_DELETE.txt`

If you want to play a bit with the device you are advised to keep it, but that’s not such a matter as OS is not encrypted

Now that Spend knows the public key that it should use, you can insert the Sd card at the rear of the device and start it (but it’s better to continue reading the documentation before)