
Spend offers encryption functionality, with veracrypt and GPG.


Spend is using symetric and asymetric encryption, using veracrypt containers and PGP-protected messages. If you want use these features, you should learn how it works. Some links about that :

Encryption works this way :

  • A random name for the run is chosen. Let’s call it RunA
  • A random password (KeyA) is created. It is stored PGP-encrypted on the output device, under the name RunA.key
  • A veracrypt encrypted volume named RunA.files, which can be open with KeyA, is created on the output device
  • Targets files are stored in the encrypted volume

So, to decrypt the files :

  • Decrypt the file xxx.key with PGP, using your favorite software.
  • Open the veracrypt volume, called xxx.files. The password is inside the file you just opened via PGP

Importing a new public key

Spend have an automatic update system which lets you use your own GPG keyring to receive the files.

You just have to export your public key (cf. documentation of the software you uses), and store it in Spend’s SD card at this place : /home/spend/update/key.gpg